Author name: Steven Parkinson


What Makes a Good Software Client?

A successful software project hinges on a strong partnership between the development team and the client.  While the developer’s role is crucial, the client’s input and collaboration are equally important. So, what makes a good software client? Let’s explore the key qualities. Clear Communication and Expectations Collaboration and Partnership Decision-Making and Responsiveness Respect for Time […]


Fast Fashion & Ethical Sourcing

Our appetite for Fast Fashion is insatiable. Over half of the clothes we buy on the UK high street we’re made in very low income countries with workers paid as little as 13p per hour. Often those workers are effectively modern day slaves with many being children. And yet according to a recent poll 7


Space East Welcomes Maly

Failure to follow processes or comply with regulations can be costly in any industry.  But in thespace sector the results of process failure can be catastrophic.  Failure in quality control processes have lead to significant mission failures such as the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter mission in 1999 (failure to track and double-check all interconnected aspects


Paper, paper everywhere!

It’s amazing how many organisations still rely on manual and paper-based processes (or process steps) for crucial aspects of their business. Whether it’s a physical printed ticket, a paper-based bill or a requirement to fill in an application form or a paper-based record of interactions with a service user. Of course there is always a


Maly Tames Cerberus!

We’ve been rather busy over the last 12 months helping to develop, deploy and support a new digital platform called Cerberus for our client Insight-Regulatory! Cerberus is designed to help financial services companies manage the stringent governance requirements, senior management responsibilities and complex reporting processes associated with SMCR regulations – which for financial services companies, who manage thousands of financial

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